This donation:
Feb 25 |
Amogh view profile
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Sanjana loves to draw!
posted March 1, 2013

The 2.8 million sex workers in India are highly marginalised, vulnerable and unreached due to the burden of severe stigma, the commoditization of personhood, forced poverty and debt bondage. Doubly disadvantaged, their children face even worse consequences in these red light areas, including physical danger, vulnerability to violence and sexual exploitation. Many of these children are kept drugged under the very beds upon which the trade is carried out.
As their mothers work through the night as sex workers, these children wake up late in the afternoon, invariably miss meals and become malnourished. Perishing in hunger, neglect, illiteracy and hopelessness, these children long for the day their childhood would be theirs again.
Three year old Sanjana hails from the Turbhe red light area, one of the innumerable poverty stricken red light pockets in Mumbai. Her father, Dinesh, runs a business selling waste materials, and her mother, Sapna, is a trafficked woman working in Turbhe. Sapna has one brother. Both her parents are uneducated and, what’s worse, the family income is barely enough to make ends meet.
Children from red light areas face educational deprivation, such as generational illiteracy and a physical lack of access to a quality education. Due to the social stigma and poverty associated with red light areas, these children are not put in school, which further compounds their present and future challenges.
Though Sanjana hails from such a disadvantaged background, she can dream of a stable future because she studies at the Turbhe Study Center run by the Sahaara Charitable Society. The foundational pre-primary teaching provided at Sahaara’s balwadis (Indian pre-schools) will enable Sanjana to step into a bright future through enrollment in a good school.
Sahaara’s balwadi has a systematic curriculum wherein children are equipped in the following subjects over the period of a year: English and Hindi; alphabets and poems; writing skills; general knowledge such as colors, animals, flowers and personal hygiene; and games and activities such as counting and recognition.
Sanjana is a quiet student yet loves singing nursery rhymes and action songs. She enjoys playing with colors and has lot of fun during drawing exercises. She is very interested in taking part in the drama of the classroom. She is sociable and enjoys sharing toys with the other children.
Sahaara Charitable Society believes that every person has a dream, and their work centers around ensuring that marginalized persons are able to articulate and work towards achieving their dream. Sahaara’s early childhood education program gives children like Sanjana a firm educational base that will help them break out of their vulnerable existence in the red light area and step into a safe and secure future.
Your generous donation will enable Sahaara to provide a year of pre-primary education to Sanjana.
Thank you so much for your gift to Sanjana!
Give this gift » | Your donation will provide early childhood education to a child living in a red light area for a year. |
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This donation:
Dec 24 |
Katie view profile
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Dec 19 |
the view profile
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Dec 13 |
Bill view profile
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Aditya finally has enough to eat
posted February 18, 2013

The 2.8 million sex workers in India are highly marginalised, vulnerable and unreached due to the burden of severe stigma, the commoditization of personhood, forced poverty and debt bondage. Doubly disadvantaged, their children face even worse consequences in these red light areas, including physical danger, vulnerability to violence and sexual exploitation. Many of these children are kept drugged under the very beds upon which the trade is carried out.
As their mothers work through the night as sex workers, these children wake up late in the afternoon, invariably miss meals and become malnourished. Perishing in hunger, neglect, illiteracy and hopelessness, these children long for the day their childhood would be theirs again.
Three year old Aditya hails from the Turbhe red light area, one of the innumerable poverty stricken red light pockets in Mumbai, India. His father, Dasrath, is unemployed and his mother, Sangeeta, works in the sex trade. Both his parents are uneducated and they struggle to make ends meet.
Through your generous donations, Bill, W, and Katie, the Sahaara Charitable Society can provide Aditya with three balanced meals a day as well as two snacks. He now has extra energy and can go about his day without a grumbling stomach.
Thank you so much for your gift to Aditya!
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This donation:
Dec 24 |
Katie view profile
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Dec 13 |
Bill view profile
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Dec 10 |
Laura view profile
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Maja view profile
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Dec 5 |
Krista view profile
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Abir can go to bed happy and full
posted February 18, 2013

The 2.8 million sex workers in India are highly marginalised, vulnerable and unreached due to the burden of severe stigma, the commoditization of personhood, forced poverty and debt bondage. Doubly disadvantaged, their children face even worse consequences in these red light areas, including physical danger, vulnerability to violence and sexual exploitation. Many of these children are kept drugged under the very beds upon which the trade is carried out.
As their mothers work through the night as sex workers, these children wake up late in the afternoon, invariably miss meals and become malnourished. Perishing in hunger, neglect, illiteracy and hopelessness, these children long for the day their childhood would be theirs again.
Three year old Abir hails from the Turbhe red light area, one of the innumerable poverty stricken red light pockets in Mumbai, India. His father, Baldev, is a farmer and does not live with Abir. His mother, Sangeeta, works in the sex trade in Turbhe. Both Abir’s parents are uneducated and they barely earn enough to support their family.
Through your generous donations, the Sahaara Charitable Society can provide Abir with three balanced meals a day as well as two snacks. He can now go to bed without a grumbling stomach because you cared enough to make a difference.
Thank you all so much for your gift to Abir!
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This donation:
Feb 5 |
Vivek view profile
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Vivek view profile
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Vineeta bubbles with enthusiasm at school
posted February 18, 2013

In the majority of Mumbai’s slums, quality and accessible education remains a pipe dream. The Sahaara Charitable Society believes that a helping hand and a continuum of services and opportunities is key to make the dreams of the poor a reality. Sahaara helps fulfill the dreams of four thousan marginalized people every year.
For four year old Vineeta* lives in the Mumbai slum of Gorai. Through the efforts of Sahaara and their balwadi (Indian pre-school) situated near her house, Vineeta will receive a quality education. Her father, Sanjay, works as an office assistant and her mother, Sauti, is a housewife. Vineeta has two sisters. The family hails from Satara, a city 260 kilometers south of Mumbai. The family is poor and they find it very difficult to cope with medical emergencies. Despite their poor economic condition, Vineeta’s parents realize the value of a good education and make sure she goes to Sahaara’s balwadi every day.
Sahaara’s balwadi uses a systematic curriculum wherein children are equipped in the following subjects over the period of a year: English and Hindi; alphabets and poems; writing skills; general knowledge such as colors, animals, flowers and personal hygiene; and games and activities such as counting and recognition.
Vineeta is a bright child and physically very active. She bubbles with enthusiasm, loves to draw and enjoys reading and writing exercises. She also loves to twirl and enjoys singing immensely.
Thanks to your generous donations, Vivek, Vineeta will be able to attend school for an entire year.
Thank you!
*Name changed to protect identity
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This donation:
Dec 6 |
Soumya view profile
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Soumya view profile
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Soumya view profile
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Oct 31 |
Joan view profile
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Joan view profile
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Oct 5 |
Kowsilliya view profile
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Vinodini, the live wire!
posted February 18, 2013

Four year old Vinodini is from Gorai, Mumbai, India. Her father is a construction worker and her mother stays at home to take care of Vinodini and her two sisters. Her father struggles to adequately provide for the family and cannot afford to send Vinodini to school.
The Sahaara Charitable Society believes that a helping hand and a continuum of services and opportunities is key to transform the dreams of the poor into reality. Sahaara helps fulfill the dreams of 4000 marginalized people every year.
Four year old Vinodini* is a student at Sahaara’s balwadi (Indian pre-school) in Gorai. Sahaara’s balwadi has a systematic curriculum wherein children are equipped in the following subjects over the period of a year: English and Hindi; alphabets and poems; writing skills; general knowledge such as colors, animals, flowers and personal hygiene; and games and activities such as counting and recognition.
Vinodini loves the playtime activities at the balwadi. She is a live wire that is energetic and lively in class! She thoroughly enjoys physical activities like running and hopping. She loves to draw and enjoys sharing her toys and things with other children!
Your generous donations will help Sahaara provide an entire year of education to Vinodini, thereby ensuring that she has the opportunity to a stable future!
Thank you Joan, Vijay, Prashan and Soumya for your support of Vinodini!
*Name changed to protect identity
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This donation:
Gayathri loves to sing!
posted February 18, 2013

The 2.8 million sex workers in India are highly marginalised, vulnerable and unreached due to the burden of severe stigma, the commoditization of personhood, forced poverty and debt bondage. Doubly disadvantaged, their children face even worse consequences in these red light areas, including physical danger, vulnerability to violence and sexual exploitation. Many of these children are kept drugged under the very beds upon which the trade is carried out. Also, as their mothers work through the night as sex workers, they wake up late in the afternoon and their children invariably miss meals and become malnourished. Perishing in hunger, neglect, illiteracy and hopelessness, these children long for the day their childhood would be theirs again.
Three year old Gayathri hails from the Turbhe red light area, one of the innumerable poverty stricken red light pockets in Mumbai, India. Her father, Mukesh, is a rickshaw driver and her mother, Pinky, is a sex worker in Turbhe. Both her parents are uneducated and they earn barely enough to make ends meet.
Children from red light areas face educational deprivation, such as generational illiteracy and a physical lack of access to a quality education. Due to the social stigma and poverty associated with red light areas, these children are not put in school, which further compounds their present and future challenges.
Though Gayathri hails from such a disadvantaged background, she can dream of a stable future because she studies at the Turbhe Study Center run by the Sahaara Charitable Society. The foundational pre-primary teaching provided at Sahaara’s balwadis (Indian pre-schools) will enable Gayarthi to step into a bright future through enrollment in a good school.
Sahaara’s balwadi has a systematic curriculum wherein children are equipped in the following subjects over the period of a year: English and Hindi; alphabets and poems; writing skills; general knowledge such as colors, animals, flowers and personal hygiene; and games and activities such as counting and recognition.
Gayathri is a quiet child with a hunger to learn. She loves singing nursery rhymes and performing action songs. She knows her alphabets and numbers as well! She is sociable and enjoys sharing toys with the other children.
Sahaara Charitable Society believes that every person has a dream, and their work centers around ensuring that marginalized persons are able to articulate and work towards achieving their dream. Sahaara’s early childhood education program gives children like Gayarthi a firm educational base that will help them break out of their vulnerable existence in the red light area and step into a safe and secure future.
Your generous donation ensures Sahaara can provide a year of pre-primary education to Gayathri.
Thank you all so much for your gift to Gayathri!
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This donation:
Feb 4 |
Venkat view profile
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Jan 17 |
Manda view profile
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Jan 7 |
Venkat view profile
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No longer lonely, Akshay is loved and cared for!
posted February 18, 2013

The 2.8 million sex workers in India are highly marginalised, vulnerable and unreached due to the burden of severe stigma, the commoditization of personhood, forced poverty and debt bondage. Doubly disadvantaged, their children face even worse consequences in these red light areas, including physical danger, vulnerability to violence and sexual exploitation. Many of these children are kept drugged under the very beds upon which the trade is carried out. Also, as their mothers work through the night as sex workers, they wake up late in the afternoon and their children invariably miss meals and become malnourished. Perishing in hunger, neglect, illiteracy and hopelessness, these children long for the day their childhood would be theirs again.
Akshay is a child of a trafficked woman from the Turbhe red light area, one of the innumerable poverty stricken red light pockets in Mumbai, India. His mother was HIV positive and suffered from brain tuberculosis. Akshay has witnessed his mother beaten and thrown on the streets as well as all the physical and sexual abuse pervasive in the area. After seeing the dangerous situation the child was in, Sahaara pre-primary teachers intervened and counseled Akshay’s mother to release Akshay into the custody of the Mahima Home, a supportive residence for youth. His mother was reluctant but eventually signed the legal papers. Two days later, she passed away.
At the Mahima Home, Akshay receives quality education, accommodation and wholesome nutrition within a loving family environment afforded by dedicated house parents.
Akshay is a sensitive, physically fit and active seven year old boy. Normally there is a period of adjustment for new residents, but Akshay adjusted quickly to his new environment.
Your generous donations, Venkat and Manda, will enable Sahaara to provide three fresh and nutritious meals to Akshay for four months, thereby ensuring that he remains healthy and performs well in his studies.
Thank you all so much for coming together in support of Akshay!
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Mukesh desires to attend college!
posted January 28, 2013

Mukesh is from a very poor sector of Mumbai, India. He has had a troubled childhood because his parents have a hard time financially supporting him. Mukesh recently dropped out of the tenth grade because of a theft case. He was too embarrassed to return to school after being caught doing something he was ashamed of.
Mukesh’s Parents were not supportive of a possible return to school despite his proximity to graduation. Sahaara was able to step in and counsel Mukesh so that he would be inclined to return to school. Sahaara met with the school and encouraged his teachers to allow him to catch up. Mukesh was excited to return after a break from a learning environment.
Mukesh now hopes to attend junior college after his studies at his current school. Without your support, Butson Family, Mukesh would not have received the opportunity to continue his education without your help. Thank you, again, for supporting Mukesh’s cause so he can pursue his dreams in a healthy environment.
Give this gift » | Protect a child from the risk of child prostitution, child labor and returning to a life of crime, by providing counseling and keeping them in school. |
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This donation:
Dec 31 |
Katie view profile
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Sakshi can attend school
posted January 28, 2013

Sakshi is five years old and lives in Gorai, India. Her father is a rickshaw driver and her mother stays at home to take care of Sakshi and her two siblings. Because of her father’s small income, the family cannot afford for Sakshi to attend school.
Sahaara supports children like Sakshi so that they can escape the poverty of their neighborhood. Without Sahaara’s local schools and support for underprivileged children, Sakshi would not have the option to attend school.
Thank you, Katie, for supporting Sahaara so Sakshi can attend school. Without your donation, she would likely have to work to support her family. Her parents value her education and deeply appreciate that you have helped them provide Sakshi with a brighter future. Thank you again, Katie, for your donation.
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This donation:
Oct 28 |
Sarah view profile
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Abdul is an attentive child
posted January 28, 2013

Abdul is from a red light district in Turbhe, India. His mother works in the red light area and his father is a rickshaw driver. Children raised in such environments often do not receive an education because they are neglected by their parents. Abdul is only four years old, but his opportunity to prosper is already hindered by his parents’ lack of support.
Sahaara provides education for children like Abdul so they have an outlet from their home environment. Sahaara provides preschool education for Abdul with the help of your donation, James and Julie.
Without your support, Abdul would not be able to attend school and would often miss meals because his parents work odd hours. Thanks to your donation, Abdul can escape the sad reality of his home life and learn with children his own age in a healthy environment. Thank you, again, James and Julie, for caring about Abdul’s cause.
Give this gift » | Your donation will provide early childhood education to a child living in a red light area for a year. |
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