This impact story was published by Sahaara Charitable Society. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Namrata loves to spent time with friends!

Namrata Hira Sandeepog
Dear Butson Family,

Namrata is a fourteen year old girl that struggled to stay in school. Her parents were not supportive of a return to school after a break during the academic year due to a stay at an observation home. Sadly, Namrata would likely enter child labor without external help.

Sahaara puts in extreme amounts of effort to help children like Namrata who have little financial and familial support. Sahaara believes that every child deserves a chance to pursue their dreams and that an education is necessary for them to do so.

Sahaara was able to seek out Namrata and help her return to school through counseling and support because of your donation, Butson Family. Thank you for giving Namrata a second chance so she can better her future. Soon, Namrata will complete the 9th grade and be back on course to complete her education.

Thank you, again, Butson Family, for your generous support.

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Give $36 » Protect a child from the risk of child prostitution, child labor and returning to a life of crime, by providing counseling and keeping them in school.

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