This impact story was published by Sahaara Charitable Society. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Lakshmi loves attending school!

Laxmi Devram Howal
Lakshmi is a 13 year old girl that lives with her parents in an extremely poor section of Mumbai, India. Because her mother is paralyzed and her father has trouble finding constant work, Lakshmi could not afford to attend school. Her parents refused to  justify an education when Lakshmi can work to support the family.

Sahaara believes that everyone deserves the opportunity to pursue their dreams. The organization highly encourages and supports children in impoverished areas of India to attend school so they can better support their own families one day. Because Lakshmi’s father did not want to continue her education, Sahaara decided to counsel the family so that they could learn about the benefits of an education

Lakshmi is now enrolled in the 8th grade and will go on to finish 9th grade next year before considering working again. Because of your support, Butson Family, Lakshmi was encouraged to attend school. Sahaara can support Lakshmi in her endeavors knowing that her family and community value her future. Thank you, Butson Family, for encouraging Lakshmi through Sahaara.

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