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Rian, the live wire!
posted January 16, 2012

Thank you for providing a year of education for Rian.
Five year old Rian Ibrahim Khan hails from Reay Road, one of the innumerable poverty stricken slum pockets in Mumbai. His father, Ibrahim Khan, works as a dealer and his mother, Satila, is a housewife. Rian has two brothers and one sister as well. Both his parents are illiterate.
Children like Rian, from Mumbai slums, face educational deprivation in terms of generational illiteracy, physical access to education and quality of education as well. Though Rian hails from such a disadvantaged background he can dream of a stable future with a good education because he studies at the Reay Road study center, run by Sahaara. Being close to Rian’s house, the balwadi is a potent vehicle for transforming his future through quality education.
Sahaara’s balwadi has a systematic curriculum wherein children are equipped in the following subjects over the period of a year: English and Hindi: alphabets and poems, writing skills, general knowledge (colors, animals, flowers, personal hygiene etc), coloring, games and activities such as counting and recognition.
Rian is a smart student but is very mischievous as well. He loves to attend the balwadi as apart from studies, there are several playtime activities to engage the children as well. Rian is a live wire who is energetic and lively in class! He is a natural leader thoroughly enjoys physical activities like running and hopping.
Your generous donation will enable Sahaara to provide a year of pre-primary education to Rian.
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