This impact story was published by Sahaara Charitable Society. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Payal loves to teach smaller children!

Dear Max and Devang,

Daughters of women in prostitution live in severe physical and psychological danger. Perishing in hunger, neglect, illiteracy and hopelessness, these daughters long for the day their childhood would be theirs again.

Seven year old Payal’s mother was a victim of the sex trade and worked in Turbhe red light area in Mumbai. Sahaara staff knew Payal’s mother since 2008. Payal was a student in the Sahaara balwadi as well. With counsel, Payal’s mother decided to admit her to Anandalay for a better and safer future. Anandalay (Home of Joy) is a shelter home run by Sahaara, for daughters of trafficked women. Anandalay houses these children who are brought up by house-parents, in a loving and conducive family environment. Payal was welcomed into Anandalay on 1st April 2009.

Initially when she came in, Payal hailing from an environment of violence and abuse in the red light and unfamiliar with a family environment was very aggressive in her language and did not show respect to others. The houseparents engaged with her, assured her with love ad instructed her in good behaviour. Observing the other children and heeding the guidance, Payal began to mature in her social skills. Payal is now respectful and loving in speech and conduct with the other children in the home and her houseparents.

Currently she is enrolled in Sr. K.G. in one of the top schools in the locality (St. Xaviers’ School, Airoli, a branch of Ryan Schools). Ryan Schools has strength of students of nearly 200,000 children with a nationwide spread, guided by eight thousand educators focussing on child-centered qualitative learning. The syllabus covers English (alphabet recognition, reading, writing, and sentence formation), numeracy, activities, extracurricular activities such as sports, craft and drawing etc

Payal is academically strong and scores above 90% in her subjects. She is confident in skills like writing and communication. She particularly enjoys football and athletics. She was selected for the school hockey, football and the school march past team as well!

She feels at home in Anandalay and loves to help the other children in catching up on their studies. She is very sharing in nature and is proactive in helping the houseparents.

Your generous donations, Max and Devang, will ensure that Payal continues attending school and honing her talents, thereby paving the way towards a self-reliant and bright future!

Thank you, for ensuring that Payal has a bright future ahead of her.

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